Hi Nik

I stumbled upon your old address when clearing out my contacts and decided to see if you were still in action on the internet – thereby finding your new address. You probably won’t remember me but you treated me in 2007 when I spent a year in NZ. I was doing a college teacher exchange. I had back problems and had virtually given up running due to very bad knee pain.

You were recommended to me and I had a assessment and a series of meetings with you. I didn’t have 100% success while in NZ mainly because I was sleeping in an awful bed – but also because it was a very slow process for me to adapt my posture and movement patterns. But I carried on your exercises and approaches on return to the UK – I then also started pilates – again a slow process for me – which I have continued. Within a year I was running competitively again and have completed half marathons and a full marathon to a good standard – which I would never have believed was possible in 2007. It wasn’t just the exercises that helped it was a new way of thinking about movement and exercise. 

As I said I was a bit slow to adapt and also sceptical at the time – so now I’d like to thank you for your insight and patience with me. You helped me to fix myself. I’m nearly 57 and anticipate running and cycling for a good few years to come – which is amazing when I thought I was finished in my late 40’s. I can see that you are continuing to help lots of people – long may it continue. If I do ever make it back to NZ – which I hope to –  will try to thank you in person.

A very grateful customer/patient. 


Some days start with an email like this. I think they happen to keep me going. I’m always grateful. Not just for the obvious reason but it’s truly the proof of the pudding. Makes it all worthwhile.

I remember Peter well. I’d asked him what he thought the differences were between the college students in New Zealand and those he normally taught in the rough area of London he’d come from. He said he found children here much more aggressive. I was quite shocked at the time.

When I asked why he thought that might be he replied that the only role models the kids seemed to have were sports heroes. He thought this encouraged a competitive,’ winners only’ mentality, making for lots of losers. Even at prize giving – sports achievement – sports gear prize, maths achievements – sports gear prize, English – sports gear prize etc.

Peter’s physical problems aside his letter contained several things that struck a chord with me. He’d almost given up hope of running when the way he had always run and exercised was no longer successful. He’d had a lot of treatment with little relief or improvement but wasn’t quite ready to give up. This is common in the people I see, they’re the people who keep looking . Lots of people just give up, believing there’s nothing left to be gained.

But there always is!

He kept looking for help. He found something different with my work and contained his scepticism. For me this is the sign of an open mind. Confronted with problems he couldn’t solve in his traditional ways he sought new ideas and methods. And he persevered.

He made the changes and he found a new way of thinking about his wellness. In movement, standing, sitting, everything. He used his pains and his increased performance as the boundaries for judging his movement. Not his old goals and expectations. He let go of the old habits, noticed when they returned and got rid of them again, finding the new way.

Now he’s doing what he wants to do. It doesn’t mean it’s pain free or easy, I’m sure it’s not, but it is possible. He’s the only one who could achieve this for himself, by himself, doing the work, making the changes.

Makes it all worthwhile.